Why and when should I use solar control glazing and how do I know which product to use?


Why and when should I use solar control glazing and how do I know which product to use?

Solar control glass is typically used to prevent excess heat buildup in areas where large amounts of glass are used. For example, glass roofs, south-facing elevations. The choice of product is then dependent on the level of performance and appearance requirements, e.g. very reflective, colored, neutral etc.


What is a solar factor?

The solar factor (or g-value) measures the percentage of heat that passes through the glass. The lower the solar factor the higher the solar protection and therefore the higher the performance of the solar control glass.


What is a solar control glass?

A solar control glass is a glass with a special coating designed to reduce the amount of heat entering a building. It reflects and absorbs heat as well as filtering light for reduced glare. Using a solar control glass can reduce the need for air-conditioning and blinds. There are many types of solar control glass offering different aesthetic options; tinted, reflective and neutral.


What are the major considerations regarding solar control glazing?

There are three major considerations regarding solar control glazing:

- the reduction of solar energy heat gains to achieve the lowest possible solar factor

- the control of heat transfers from the outside to the interior by means of the lowest U-value possible

- to achieve a good level of natural daylight through the highest light transmittance value possible


Saint-Gobain Glass offers a comprehensive range of solar control glasses, providing varying performance and appearance options for individual applications.
